Sings both classical and popular selections; also dancing; special drop; 12 min. in one; went good.
(11 mins.) The dancing of the boy in this act brought a riot of applause. They do single and double dance numbers and a couple of songs, but the stepping of the boy is the big hit. Closed very strong.
22 min. F.S. Spec. A very pleasing singing and dancing offering with a good cast, went very nicely.
(20 mins.) A Classy singing and dancing turn, the best that Miss Millership has presented here. It is composed of classy songs and some picturesque dances. Eddie Moran, at the piano, also contributes a liberal share to the act that the whole offering was very warmly received.
(10 mins.) A local act with a big following. Their work is fairly good and they got by in fair shape with a series of songs and dances. Work fast with plenty of action.