24 min. F.S. Spec. Miss Doner has a very pretty offering with a variety of singing and dancing, and went very well at the evening performance.
“Just a Boy and Girl” — Dancing act; sings one song; one is dressed as a girl; at the end of act takes off wig. 10 min. full stage; went good.
“The Spider and the Fly” — two man and a woman in a singing and dancing skit. 10 min. full; went good.
28 min. F.S. Spec. This is a beautifully staged act with some very remarkable dancing by Miss Broderick and her partner. Miss McCane certainly puts her songs over, the whole being a very classy act. Closed to a good hand.
17 min. in 1 Spec. These boys have a versatile offering with singing, dancing, and some very clever acrobatics. Went big.
In a New Vaudeville Revue. special plush drop; stage setting very fine. Singing, dancing, etc. Irish dance, Indian dance, with costumes; lasso roping and dancing, etc. This act went over good, but I think it’s rather long, by quick work and after they have it working a week they should be able to cut about four minutes. I think it would be to their advantage if possible to do so. 20 min.
Melange of Song, Dance and Comedy – Singing, talking and dance; Change of costumes; one change represents costumes and songs and dance of one hundred years ago. 13 min. in one; went fair.
Singing, dancing and wire act. Well known act that held the audience to the finish and seemd to please. 9 min. open in, close full stage.
Another young fellow and girl in a turn that met with approval. Act consists of singing, dancing and dialogue with special drop. Getting at least all it is worth. 17 min. in one.
Young fellow and girl in a very pleasant little turn of singing, dancing and dialogue. Went very well. 20 min. in one. $50. Overpaid.