Chung Hwa Chinese Comedy Four

12 min in one. Four Chinamen who sing and dance, appearing in full dress, Highlander and other costumes. Nothing extraordinary strong about their work, but the novelty attracted much interest, and they got over all right. St. Louis.

Carleton and Kay

15 min in one. Olio. This is Ubert Carleton, formerly of the Bayes & Norworth act, and Kathleen Kay, a recruit from burlesque, in songs and dances. I regret to state tat the songs did not get over very well, the one redeeming feature being the “Tango” dance at the finish.

Rock & Fulton

In their series of character songs and dances. At the matinee performance this act went only moderately well at the beginning but gradually increased in favor until with the “Devil Dance” as a finale the pair gained a good solid round of applause. The several numbers preceding were greeted with but ordinary favor. The team were so surprised at not getting better that they didn’t know what to make of it, and as a result almost forgot the “Devil Dance” at the matinee. However, I talked with Rock after the first show, offering him encouragement, with the result that the night performance was all right, the act holding the attention all the way through and finishing strong. They will undoubtedly score heavily during the week. Open landscape in 1. Finish special in 4; 30 minutes.

The Peerless Macks

A young fellow and girl in songs and dances which is about the usual of this run of acts. In one.

Gladys Clark and Kenny Bergman

In 2 special, showing exterior of base ball grounds. Time 18. A song and dance skit in which abundant base ball jests are introduced. Went fairly well.

Eddie Mack and Dot Williams

Time 14. Open in 1, close in 2. They sing and dance. Miss Williams has a “baby” voice which she uses to advantage in some “kid” impressions. Mack is a fair dancer. Average act.

Harold Forbes and Carrie Bowman

“Quitting Capers.” A pretty singing and dancing novelty that went well in this spot. Both are neat looking, have a good routine of material and should be able to hold this spot on any bill. Close with a burlesque “impression” of the Apache dance.

Kelly Gaston & Minerva Coverdale

They do eccentric dancing, some little patter, and sing several songs. Did very well in this position today. F.S. can close in one.

Morton and Moore

Songs, dancing and travesty. A hit. F.S. but gave us a couple of minutes in one.

Cotter and Boulden

Man and woman who sing, dance, do a little piano playing and woman uses the banjo to accompany herself two of her numbers. All right in this position.