In 1. Time 10. Sings with pleasing voice several songs and tells a few college-y jokes. Gets by in this spor [sic] in good shape.
14 Mins. Olio in 1. Reception on her entrance. Special songs by Gerard Smith and Billee Taylor. Her monologue kept the audience in good humor and she scored a hit.
(13 mins.) With some new talk and two or three new songs they scored their usual big laughing and applause hit, being called back for an encore and closed strong.
(14 mins.) Being a local act and a strong favorite this act was one of the big hits of the show. They have some good songs and the comedy opening gives them a fine start. Closed strong.
(19 mins.) Their songs brought them plenty of applause and they finished with a big laughing hit with their burlesque comedy. Their songs went particularly well and they held this spot very satisfactorily.
Chinese “Comedian.” Sings four songs in English and chorus of one in Chinese. Dresses in Chinese costume. Received hands through act and a good hand at finish. 12 min. in one.
(30 mins.) Equally as big a hit as last week. She changed almost her entire list of songs, using more comedy numbers, and, of course, the request selection brought her extra returns.
13 min in 1. Harmony singing with a little comedy. Make a nice appearance and went fairly well.