Harry and Anna Seymour
Frankie Fay
Truly Shattuck and Emma O’Neil
Overseas Quartette
Widely-known quartette from “Toot Sweet” Four men in u uniform-army; good harmony and lots of comedy. Open in C.D.F. then to one—close in one; 10 min.; went big.
Stella Mayhew
(23 mins.) Always a great favorite here she was given a cordial welcome and her songs went big. She sang all new ones and with a little talk mixed in was a big applause hit. For a finish she brought on Eddie Borden and his assistant and they did a lot of clowning, closing to a big hand.
Marie & Ann Clark
18 mins. in one. These girls have a novel singing and talking act. Got quite a number of laughs and closed to a good hand.
Lightner Girls & Alexander
17 min. Good singing and comedy turn by two girls and a man. They have some good songs, all new here and get a lot of fun out of them by the antics and mugging of one of the girls who is a sort of Elfie Fay character. Closed to a good hand.
Fallon & Brown
19 min. in 1. These boys, with their singing and nut comedy, went over very big.
George Austin Moore
(18 mins.) Attired in Over Seas League uniform he told a series of stories in negro dialect and sang two or three songs, getting a lot of laughs and putting all his staff over in excellent shape. He was a big applause hit.