The act was seventeen minutes long.
The man begins as a German comedian and the woman is his straight. She then wears eccentric makeup. For the finish, they sing a Rube song in Quaker costumes.
The act was fifteen minutes long.
The man plays a “Dutchman” comedian and the girl is the straight. The comedian opens with a song in a pleasing voice.
The act was nine minutes long.
Jack Sheppard does several Marathonic songs and parodies. He has added a new verse about the present political controversy to one of the songs.
The act was fifteen minutes long.
Two young men do some crossfire talk and a burlesque drama bit. They perform a travesty and then sing a duet for an encore in which one of the men pretends that he is from the insane asylum.
The act was nineteen minutes long on the full stage.
A young man and woman quarrel on the street and part ways to the accompaniment of a song. They walk onto a special office set and each sit on either side of a wall. The girl pretends to be someone else and makes a date with the boy on the other side. They meet back on the sidewalk again, fight, and makeup. They do a dance for the finish.