The act was sixteen minutes long. A man enters alone and begins a rag number. He is interrupted by a comedian dragging a trunk. The act closes with a duet.
The woman plays straight while the man performs Hebrew comedy. They perform a song conversation made up of popular song titles.
Jolson sang many songs. He appeared in white face.
The act was twenty-two minutes long. There is a green velvet drop. Miss Marie wears a “Quaker girl” dress and sings a simple country song with suggestive lines. She wears a boy’s dress suit for the second song. She performs toe steps, cartwheels, somersaults and contortions. She finishes with a ring act.
The act entitles “Holding a Husband” was eighteen minutes long. The act is told quietly with little action. The sketch involves conversation between two women and a man. The man flirts with a woman visitor in his home in front of his wife. Witty dialog ensues.
German brothers perform comedy while wearing heavy face makeup.
The act was sixteen minutes long. “The man and woman are clean-cut, neat workers of the cross-fire singing and dancing type”. They sing a comic song about a sea captain. They also perform give and take gags.
The act entitled “The Two Drummers” was ten minutes long. Mr. Sylvester performed “I’m a Married Man” with sneezing. They also perform dialog between each other.
The act was sixteen minutes long. Lovett enters singing while Foster plays the drums. Mr. Foster is in comedy dress.
The act was twenty-two minutes long. A piano is wheeled out, a man and woman perform a crossfire duet.