John T. Kelly and Company

Not a smart offering yet. The action is slow in developing, lack of rush. Recites the troubles of a boarding mistress whose boarders are of an affectionate disposition.

Albert E. Reed and Company

“A weak vasiliating stock broker is ‘made a man’ through promising his typewriter to do what she tells him if she will remain in the office”

Protean Travesty

a husband disguises himself as an Italian street vendor to discover the unfaithfulness of his wife

J.C. Nugent and Co.

“None of the finer details of the clothing of the act were looked after” “The part assigned Miss Jessie Charon fitted her nearly as badly as the gloves she wore” Nugent does not dress the part of a debonair clubman. He wears a bathrobe and white dress gloves and then a frock coat with wrinkled trousers. The typewriter which is mentioned is not easily visable.

Felix, Barry and Barry

“half of the old act in an interior setting” includes a younger sister who dances well enough

Emmett Corrigan and Company

Plays out a dream which is not revealed to the audience until the end. Mr. Corrigan is convincing in his serious scenes but fails at his drunken ones. Breaking of furniture and glass for sensationalism.