Bartlett and Sullivan

Plot is of the experinces of a husband and his too solicitous wife. He brings home a skeleton and tries to keep this knowledge from his wife

Young and De Vole

Large hit on the Victoria Roof. Will go much better in any house more educated up to the sterotyped than at the Colonial.

Harry Tate

No fault can be found with the chaffeur, the boy, the costermonger or the owner of the car. Absence of a snorting, puffing automobile is a missing feature.

Gracie Emmet

Pickering Brown worked too hard to be in the character of the pale and anaemic second husband.

Greene and Werner

Gorgeously dressed sketch.The woman of the team dresses and danced well and works hard. The sketch is picturesque.

Hal Davis and Inez Macauley

Lawrence Finan lacks convivtion in the role of the discarded lover. “Miss Macauley makes a sweet picture.”

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truesdell

Had a “try out” at Pastors, now returned “the points then lacking may be easily seen.” “Mr.Trusdell is entitled to more than ordinary credit for ‘making good’ while wearing a full beard.” Robert Gemp looked feirce playing the outraged husband.