Viola Gillette and Company

Unexpected visit to a bachelor’s apartment of a relative subject to fits. The bachelor is due at a fancy dress party with a woman selected by a matchmaker. The butler thinks that the date is the relative.

Rillie Deaves and Company

The best hit of the act is Fred Bowman’s character study of the front row enthusiast who is grey haired and old and pays to get smiles from the beauties on stage. Miss Deaves acting is forced.

S. Miller Kent

Frank I. Frayne “plays a Chinaman without inpiring the audience with murderous thoughts.”

Rose Stahl

Has returned from out west. Travel is shown by the white gloves of one of the characters in the piece.

Virgina Earl

Six good looking young men, all lively who work with spirit. The setting is the private apartment of a leading lady. The men should be allowed to wander around speaking to each other naturally rather than remain seated. “Harry L. Tighe is lost entirely too much to the feminine continget present through application at the piano. Mr Tighe is the personification of an ideal West Pointer in a cadet’s uniform and the girls in the house sigh for him continually.”