Laura Bennett and Company

A different and improved sketch from what was given previously. “Nothing has been retained of the original but the ground plan and Miss Bennett’s negro specialty”

Harry and Kate Jackson

Mrs. Jackson played the part of a decieved wife with a seriousness worthy of a better reward.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Monroe

The novelty is in the setting from which the sketch derives it’s name. A combination drop which unfolds to represent a “centre door fancy”setting. Mr. Monroe is not an actor in the true sence.

Lionel E. Lawrence

Mr. Lawrence suffered a attack of blindness last week so the act may be rough around the edges. The young women report to Lawrence in their street costumes and he put them through formations and steps. Asks a girl if he hasn’t fired her six times before. Has some comedy with the stage hands when they refuse to put up a sky border and threaten to kick him out. Alex Munroe, a tenor, sings a pretty ballad in the opening. One of the girls is allowed to do disagreeable things with her gum. That should be dropped.

Fred Wyckoff and Company

A rural piece with no author announced. Fred Wyckoff is the leading character in a sketch with no recognisable plot. Frank M. Gibbons plays a poor impersonation of a farmer. There is a girl in the sketch but it’s not know ehy she is there. A song was used to tell jokes from years ago.

William Davis and Company

Set in Kentucky. Davis plays the role of a moonshiner who beleives that his duty to his family ends with shooting at revenuse officers. Pa wants Belle-Anne to marry the man she loves but the step mother does not. Pa lets Bell-Anne run away to get married. Lack of action in the first half.

Gertrude Hoffman

The handling of the lights is crude. The scene opens on a sun rise effect. Six girls come out singing a verse and then go behind a wall. There is a total eclipse and then their are feminine appoinments on the wall to show the girls are swimming. Then six men enter. A juggler fills in time while the girls change to bathing suits. The juggler lacks variety.

Fred Walton and Company

Mr. Walton is a pantomimist of rare ability. The scene with the three toy soilders is a delightful piece of work. Adele Cox has replaced Will Archer as the child and is a clever little youngster.