Goodwin and Elliot

This piano act entitled “The Publisher” was twelve minutes long. Sam Goodwin has copied the former act of Will H. Fox, who played the piano with his nose and wore Paderewski makeup. Adah Elliot says very little and her only action is to occasionally place her hand on Goodwin’s knee while seated on the bench. The setting is the interior of a publisher’s office.

3 Rascals

This “piano-act” was thirteen minutes long. O’Donnell, Kaufman, and Wolf are the “3 Rascals” who sing. Two of the boys open with a song. One of them intentionally gets a lyric wrong and they begin to argue onstage. The third boy is planted in the audience and demands a chance to perform with the duo. He is dressed in auto costume. The trio then does another number and Wolf does an eccentric dance. One of the boys does a “Yiddish” solo number and then the trio get together for “Ragtime Melodies” and “The Ghost of the Violin” for an encore. The boys wear short black coats and duck trousers.

Jesse Lasky and Co.

This sketch entitled “The Trained Nurse” stars Gladys Clark and Henry Bergman, who previously had their own act. Clark stars as a nurse and Bergman plays a perfectly healthy man who goes to the hospital because he is in love with that nurse. She agrees to marry him and they do five songs in total, flanked by ten chorus girls. Clark does a number in which the chorus girls walk across the stage dressed as the type of girls Bergman liked. They also do a lisping and stuttering number. The finish is a comic opera number.

“Night Follies of San Francisco”: “Touring Chinatown”

The act was twenty-six minutes long on the full stage. In this sketch, a group of white tourists engages a tour guide to take them through San Francisco’s Chinatown. The background changes to a street in Chinatown. Twelve ponies stand behind four Chinese actors who sing an old newsboy quartet number in Scotch highland costume. The men also dance with the white chorus girls. A Chinese boy and girl then do “a rather interesting ‘Turkey Trot'”.

Gus Edwards

This musical skit entitled “Kid Kabaret” was thirty-seven minutes long on the full stage. A young child gives a supper when his parents are not home. Each member of the cast, as attendees of this supper, do a specialty. They are all songs. During the last song called “Favors”, the cast runs up and down the aisle giving out paper favors.

Ruth Lockwood and Co.

This musical comedy entitled “A Night in the Park” was twenty-one minutes long on the full stage. Ruth Lockwood, Harry Van, and the Electric City Quartet use the setting of the old Melville Stolz “Kiddieland” act. They all sing and dance. Lockwood performs on top of the fountain in the finale.

Lean-Holbrook and Co.

This musical comedy entitled “This Is the Spot” was twenty-seven minutes long on the main stage. The sketch stars Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook as Mr. Henshaw and Miss Farnsworth, respectively. Both are leading players in competing film companies. The setting is a park in full bloom. Each appears with a camera man and begins to pose in the park. Lean does a funny bit about a cowboy committing suicide. Holbrook sings first and gets it over through a catchy chorus. Lean then sings with a good voice. They change costumes several times and appear in evening clothes for a final duet.