The Phantom Highwayman
Hearts and Dollars
The Man Who Won the Pool
The curtain is lowered and raised on the same scene to indicate a lapse of four days.
Rose Coghlan and Lynn Pratt “The Higher Law”
Lynn Pratt wears a waxed moustache and the makeup of a dissipated roué.
Roland West
Mr.West plays seven parts, the best of which are the old man, Prof. Scribs and the newsboy. A melodramatic struggle between “Reddy” Scribs, the murderer and the police attendant has been added with a green spotlight. West handles the opportunity for Pathos excellently.
Charlotte Perry
Miss Parry is hadicapped by her stature and personality. Gives a series of clean cut characterizations marked by a family resemblance, but otherwise are distinct and individual. She is assisted by A.C.Henseron who is matinee heroish, and three others who do not feature prominently.
Margaret Wycherly
“The plot is based upon an altercation between husband and wife, during which the man while in an intoxicated condition commits a furious assault upon his better half, who in self-defense stabs him.” The death is discovered by a maid. Various characters are are examined by the police. A confession is forced out of the wife when the threaten to blame her cripped daughter for the death.
William Courtleigh
Taken from the same source as “A Case for Arson.” You can compare the two to see differences in American and Holland police. The Holland police wants justice and the American police wants a conviction.