“The New Leader.” 36 min. F.S. Received an ovation today for one of the most original acts on the seemy side of stage life that has ever appeared here. From the opening right through to the very funny close, when the German Leader smashes his violin over the head of the stage manager, there is constant laughter, and the finish was big. There is a little thread of romance running through the fun which interests the audience and gives the new leader the halo of heroism in a humble way. Mr. Mann’s support is all that could be wished for, “Props” being good and the “sister” act particularly funny.
17 min. open and close in one. Three changes of costume. Drop shows the New York Pier, afterwards a Pullman parlor car and lastly a very pretty drop. Act is full of life and ginger all through and gets a good many laughs.
“One Christmas Eve.” This is a sketch by Will M. Cressy and is quite amusing, though there are several spots where the action drags a trifle. If these spots can quickened Davis will have an act that should prove a laughing hit on any hill. Act is well played. C.D.Fcy in 3. Time 18 min.
“Kids and Kidders.” There is something lacking this act to make it a success. Miss Carlisle is as dainty a little girl as when she was working with Sager Midgely but she lacks good material in the present vehicle. Act in its present form will no do for the big time. C.D.Fcy in 3. Time 13 min. close in 1.
In “The School of Acting.” This act was a genuine hit all the way through, the laughs being fast and furious from almost the beginning to the end. Certainly a great laughing vehicle. 27 minutes, wood in 4.
“The Awakening of Pipp.” 24 min. F.S. Mr. Grapewin has appeared here in various theatres as a star of his own company and has a strong following. His comedy work as the “rounder” in the bedroom scene the “morning after” with his reproving wife was alternately funny and pathetic, the character humor, of course, getting big laughter from all parts of the house. The climax is particularly clever and leaves no offensive impression in the minds of the audience. Closed very strong.
In their laughable comedy “Heaps of Hilarity.” Two men and one woman in a comedy sketch full of good humorous situations well worked up. Held this spot very spot. 22 min. full stage.
23 minutes full stage. “The Prima Dona’s Honeymoon,” a good and well acted comedy sketch, telling a consistent story in a farcical manner that is highly pleasing. One of the best sketches of the season for us.
One woman, two men, presenting “What Happened in Room 44.” A moderately good little sketch capably presented. Given promise of being very serious and finally finishes with a comedy document. Not a great deal to it in the way of story, but it pleased fairly well and scored a moderately strong finish. 14 minutes, special in 3.
Mr. Arbuckle’s act has been described before and I am pleased to say that it is one of the best sketches we have ever played and made a most distinct hit with the audience. Will no doubt draw money. 30 Min. F.S.