Lillian Mortimer and CO.
The Girl from Rectors
Eddie Girard and Jessie Gardner
William Courtleigh and Co.
David Walters
Rice and Barton
Douglas Fairbanks and Co.
This comedic sketch entitled “A Regular Business Man” was twenty minutes long.
Douglas Fairbanks, in his first vaudeville show, plays a young lawyer who is engaged to his “pretty stenographer” played by Jean Murdoch. She is about to leave him because of his neglect of her and the business. He eventually secures a wealthy client and $50 000 owed to him by his uncle.
Thos. A. Wise and Co.
This sketch entitled “A Chip of the Old Block” was twenty-one minutes long.
Thos. A. Wise plays an elderly comedian who once aspired to be a great dramatic actor and lives alone. His son, played by W.H. St. James, is a comedian too and visits his father with his son and wife in tow. They help fix up the old man’s place and there is a “quiet pathetic finale that is somewhat touching.”
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Donnelly
The act was sixteen minutes long.
The Donellys present a sketch with laughable events. Mr. Donelly is a capable Irish comedian and Mrs. Donelly is a good “feeder.”