Stanley, Edwards & Co.

“Visions in Marble.” Two men and two women in a statue posing act that received hearty applause. Would prefer them earlier in the bill and have a strong comedy act to close with. Poses are well executed and act should prove a good feature anywhere. Can set in 4. Time 17 min.

The 5 Olympiers

Living bronze statues; the first time here. The act was evidently very well liked. 10 Min. F.S.

Maxims Models

A very pretty sight act that was well received and created some favorable comment. Would do nicely on almost any bill and a great headline feature for the small time. Own set in 3. Time 15 min.

“The Act Beautiful”

Or Forrer and Edgirettu’s Posing Horse and Dogs. 10 minutes f.s. Special cyclorama. A man, a woman, a horse and four dogs reproducing a day’s hunting trip in living marble statuary. One of the best posing acts we have ever played. Could go up in the middle of a bill. The audience remained in their seats to the very finish, and the act closed strong. Made a splendid closing feature for a strong show.

Visions D’Art

Finely shaped woman, in a series of poses, operator with stereoptican in orchestra pit throws a number of beautifully colored slides on body, some great effects, 10 minutes full stage went great.

Simone De Beryl

12 minutes. Full stage. This is a posing act with the best lantern effects I have ever seen. While this is a very good act, I consider it well paid, even at the reduced price at which they are paid now.

Maria Lo

(8 mins.) This act did well as usual for us and has played here several times. They have some new posings, very artistic, and the act did very well in the closing act.

Jean Duval

8 min. in 3 Spec. Posing act, but could not hold audience probably owing to the fact that we have played so many of these acts in the past few months.

Maria Lo

  6 min. 2 1/2 . A very pretty posing act. Closed fairly well.

Paul Seldom’s Living Marble

Time 15. F.S. 3 men, 1 woman. Excellent statue posing after sculptured masterpieces, and some original groupings by Mr. Seldom.