Leo Carrillo

Chinese stories, mimicry etc. Has a nice personality and his performance has more or less merit. In one.

Dillon Brothers

Dillon Brothers held down this spot in very good shape.  Their parodies are a trifle rough for the matinee audiences in this theater, composed as they are largely of women and children.  18 min. in one.

Friend & Downing

On at 2.48, 15 min, in 1.  These boys did not score as strongly as I expected, but I think that it must have been a whole lot due to the heat, for we have one of the warmest Mondays of the season and the audience showed its effects.  One might question their use of a graveyard as the basis of one of their routines, but the answer to this is that it went with the audience.  Two or three of their parodies were a little burlesque-y in style, and they have been requested to change them.

W.J. McDermott

Monologuist and Parody Singer. Portrays a character of a tramp. This man’s monologue is a lot of ‘junk.’ Not one laugh during all of it. Sings three songs and only have one good one. Closed the act with giving an imitation of Sousa, which the audience couldn’t see this afternoon. 12 min, in one, 2 shows. NOTE: The first five acts on the bill should all open the show at 1:30.

Matthews & Ashley

Two men appearing here for the first time. Went strong with the audience. They have some good parodies. On the whole they are quite satisfactory. 19 mins. in one.

Ben Johnson

Works straight. Pleasing personality. Was rather disappointed in this fellow to-day. He only got a small hand in this place on the bill. His act consists of stories and recitations. Received the biggest hand of the parody of ‘Barbara Fretchie.’ His stories got very few laughs. 17 min in one.

Matthews & Ashley

17 minutes in one. This act is away from the usual run of acts. They introduce the Jew and the dope fiend. Their parodies are very good and go very well with our audience.

James Harrigan

2 shows, 20 min. in 1. Began his act with a number of parodies, a la Nat Wills, and had the audience with him from the start. Then did his few juggling tricks and closed with a bright monologue. I think, with the material he now has, he will practically step into the place made vacant through the retirement of Wills. Certain it is, he never went stronger in this house than he did today.

Frank Bush

Story-teller. Second appearance this season; he always has new stuff and yarns and tells them in a very fascinating manner, which makes him a great favorite. Act goes very strong. All in one. Time 15 minutes.

Al Clements

This man works in full dress, makes splendid appearance. His material is all new and bright, with some good parodies. In this place this afternoon he had them laughing and I really think he could make good further down. Drop in 1, 15 minutes.