Byers and Hermann

Shown some time ago in Brooklyn. They have changed the finish to good effect. The rope walking is a drop from the liveliness.

Dollar Troupe

There is a fat sailor, a Hebrew comedian and five others working straight. The scene shows a bright and attractive main deck. The acrobatic work is acomplished with smartness and certainty.

Les Renos

6 French performers. Three burglars are pursued by 3 gendarmes through a 2 story building set. A plank runs out of a 2nd storey window “that affords them opportunity for good work”

Fred Karno

There is little or nothing to the act as far as comedy is concerned. The man who plays the drunken fellow in a box is a pantomimist of merit and did some good work. The others go in for the rankest kind of horse-play, and bun and apple throwing form the chief appeal.