“The German Politician.” In one. Time 14 min. Mr. Gordon’s monologue is better than ever and he scored the laughing hit of the show. His stuff is full of screams and the people would not let him go until he made a curtain speech this afternoon.
Mono. 20 min. in 1, 2 shows. On at 9.34. Advance hand. This man certainly got them going to-day in great shape. He has an intimate personal way of delivering his stuff that wins every time. His stories are for the most part new, and he has a quick faculty of getting hold of local stuff and firing it in quick succession, in fact, too rapidly, as the audience scarcely have time to recover. At times, in fact, he was completely stopped with applause and laughter from all parts of the house. His imitations of De Wolff Hopper and David Warfield at the finish brought him immense hand. This man went well on his previous visit, but this time he was a knockout.
On at 2.35, 15 min, in 1. I am pleased to say that Sullivan went very well indeed today. He has a lot of good stuff and delivers it exceedingly well. At $150 he is certainly a find for an act in 1, for I think he can entertain any audience. We are paying two fifty and three hundred to acts that cannot begin to make as good as he did this afternoon.
Jew monologue. Not the usual type of Jew on a stage, but in a neat makeup. In a little earlier spot think he might have been satisfactory. As it was he just got through and no better. 13 Min. in 1, 3 shows.
Mono. 12 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:58. This man suffered a distinct fall-down. He has neither voice nor delivery to hold an audience. His line of stuff is only fairly good, but the man absolutely lacks personality. Once in a while the audience tittered a little, but he could not get his audience at all. Gallery started to guy him. Closed very weak. Will be buried forthwith. The man who put this act on at Philadelphia ought to be punished.
Tramp monologuist. We have never had a worse failure in the house – from the standpoint of a big act – than Mr. Bloom’s act both yesterday afternoon and night. He got very few laughs, hardly any applause. It was an absolute effort for him to get back for his encores and hold the stage for 13 min. I can’t understand his great success in other places for he has not the goods and I can only say that the audiences must be very easy where he has played. No more for me. 13 min. in one, 2 shows.
I wish to add to emphasize my original report on this act. That without question it is the worst Gold Brick that was ever brought into this theatre. At Fifty dollars a week and three shows he might have been considered fair only. This is not exaggerated in the least and can be verified by any performers upon the bill this week. He has been unable to get any applause or laughter whatever and has been the worse roasted act generally, from the standpoint of anything like his salary that I ever heard. Last night he only got away with nine minutes. I am sending this further report around for the protection of the circuit generally, because in spite of the fact he made good in a couple of theatres, I am satisfied that he would fall down in eight out of ten and there is no reason why he should be a success because he is not clever and has nothing in the way of material.
Monologue. I do not think Mr. Wood’s first seven or eight minutes is interesting to anybody, which was clearly shown at this afternoon’s performance. He uses this amount of time roasting society college boys, rich men’s sons, and the things they wear… The latter part of his act improved some, but nothing to brag about, and the applause of this act was very light. 21 MIN. in one.
At both of yesterday’s performances, this hit of the bill. – He has a good speaking voice and as line of material that is a mixture of humour and philosophy. – He knows how to tell his stuff also how to make it reach home. – For a single act of its style Wood has the distinction of making one of the most substantial hits ever known here. 81 minutes in 1.
On at 2.55, 15 min, in 1; 3 shows. It has always been a mystery to me why this fellow has never advanced any, for he certainly does as well in this house as many of the entertainers that we are paying double the money. I think it must be lack of business ability in neglecting ot retain a good agent. He is certainly great value for the money
All in one. Went very big; splendid for the ladies here. A clean cut, original, bright, fast running monologuist with a personality that universally pleases the audience in almost its entirety.