Society Monologist. Well dressed and makes good appearance; none of her story needs pruning. Uses the house man to carry on luggage. Her recitations in imitation of Ocean Steamer Concert shows some versatility and goes fairly well; has a few good jokes which is the best part of her act. All in one. Time 14 minutes.
in a monologue called “An Afternoon Tea.” Miss Summerville was in decidedly bad form on account of a cold and requested permission this morning to postpone the date, but I had her billed as one of the features I hardly liked to do that, so I induced her to go on. Her set was good this afternoon and was thoroughly appreciated, and I should imagine when her voice is all right, that it might be a very good specialty. 20 minutes, in one.
Monologist:- This young man has a very neat appearance and a nice delivery and while the act is not great is pleasant, and may easily be classed as good. 17 min. in on, 2 shows.
On 3:31, 17 min, in 1. He seems to improve every time he comes here. Presented an entirely new batch of material. His automobile monologue is full of bright points, while his parody-melody of Victor Herbert’s popular airs won him much hearty applause. He held this hard spot with great credit.
Here is an absolute novelty and one that is bound to create so much talk as to draw money. I have heard something said as to the lack of comedy in the ac, but were he to have the funniest monologue in the world, no one would listen to it while they are intently watching his changing of apparel which is certainly mystifying and interesting. It is an act that ought to be featured anywhere that it plays. 9 min. in 3, 2 shows.
On at 3:58, 15 min, in 1. Although it is only eight weeks since Morton was here before, and we would not have given him a return so soon had it been possible to find anything else to fill this spot, I must acknowledge that he went as well as ever. He is certainly a big favourite with our patrons.
Easily the hit of the bill. A very clever fellow who went big. He is as good as ever and undoubtedly in a class of his own as a single entertainer. I think he will become a standard favourite here as many people remember him from last season and he received a reception upon his entrance. 19 minutes in one.