James Thornton

I was somewhat disappointed in this act as I had been told that he had a lot of new material. Out of the eighteen minutes that he was on the stage probably three minutes were taken up by new stuff, and the rest was the same that he has told time and time again here; and to make the matter worse he came on with a jag, and while he has told me that he would surely straighten up, still the element of danger remains. I don’t believe I shall ever want him again.

Stuart Barnes

18 min. in 1. I think he is saying too much about women to his detriment with the fair sex, and his material, as a whole I do not consider as good as that he had when last here. He was pretty late, however, and will probably do better in an earlier place in the bill.

E.J. Rich

Monologue. This young man has been for several years, Treasurer of the Manhattan Theatre, and a short time ago took to doing Club work. He is really good indeed, and as a dialectician he is superb, his German dialect being almost absolutely correct, and he told some funny stories, some of them having been heard before and some of them are now. It is a good act. 15 minutes in one.

Marshall P. Wilder

15 min. spec. drop in one. Wilder is not as well known here as in New York and is by no means as favorably thought of. He was well received this afternoon. There was no ovation attached to his reception, but he received a light hand. The audience listened patiently and instantly to his stories and he seemed to thoroughly entertain them.

Great Lester

31 min. in one. Second appearance in this town. Advance hand. His work is clean and clever, and he got off some very good hits, particular those that he improvised on the acts which went before him. Really one of the cleverest men in the business. Held the spot in good shape. Closed strong after the march up the aisle with the singing manikin.

Thomas J. Dempsey

Monologist. Very quiet and genteel in his method. Gained several good laughs and got by fairly well all the way through. Very little demonstration at the finish.

Phil Staats

In 1. Time 16. A 300 pound comedian with engaging manner, good comedy and clever trick work at piano.

Clarence E. Billings

2 shows. 15 min. in one. Monologue singing comedian. Had a lot of original stuff, and went quite strong, although he was noticeably nervous, this being his first appearance here. He gives promise of developing into a first class character comedian.

James J. Morton

2 shows. 17 min. in one. Went decidedly better than on the occasion of his last engagement here, holding his audience at the finish, although he opened somewhat slow. His material is all new, original and funny, but it is quite evident that they have forgotten him here, and he will have to begin to get acquainted over again.

Ralph C. Herz

His character studies and portrayals are of a very high order showing excellent method and acting. An artistic hit. Full stage. Usually works in one.