Military Hercules. 20 min, FS, 2 shows. On at 10:40. This is certainly a great closing feature. Conchas not only does some remarkable feats of strength and skill, but the whole setting of the act is unique and pleases the audience from the first. He performs about the same feats that he did previously, but the comedy of his man is greatly improved, and wins constant laughter. This is a great relief to the regulation strong-man act. Conchas will draw strong this week, particularly with the German element. Big finish.
Garden, carrying scaling wall. 12 min. This act is going very good with us. They are well drilled and work very fast during the entire act. Aside from the opening, which introduces the Zouaves’ singing. I think it is as good as any act of the kind we have ever played. To cut the singing I think would improve the act.
2 shows, 12 min. full stage. Because of the nationality of these men this is a most interesting feature at this time, and there is no possibility of doubt that even at this “off” season of the year it will draw business. The drilling is almost as good as that of the Zouave organizations we have and in the past, and the wall scaling at the finish just as exciting. If one wanted to be critical it would be with the lack of unison in keeping the weapons carried in any one directions, but I do not imagine that the audience noticed this at all. They got a big reception when they came on, proving conclusively which the popular sentiment is with, so far as the patrons of this house are concerned, at least. It would be a good act at any time, but is particularly so now, as I have said, and could be played anywhere.
9 women and 3 men. This act is one of the order of the ‘Streeter Zouaves,’ substituting the girls for men, giving the act an element of novelty. Their drilling is not quite as good, although they managed to secure a big lot of applause for their work. The wall-scaling is not as strong, for the reason, that only a few of the grils [sic] make an attempt, but they keep up the enthusiasm and get a good strong hand on the finish. I think the act is easily worth $25 more than what we are paying it for the circuit. 10 min, full stage.
On at 4.08, 9 min, full stage. A great zouave act that made the audience sit up and take notice. I trust I may be forgiven for stating that I have yet to see an act of this style that has anything on the original Streator Zouaves.
Great act. The accuracy of their “double time” drill got big applause, and held the audience spell bound. The finals of the act of course was a yell, and the scaling scene was simply great, and the curtain fell to deafening applause. 12 minutes, full stage. Special backing.
2 shows, 14 min. full stage. Fancy drilling went strong and the wall scaling at the finish made a big hit. The turn is susceptible of much improvement in various directions, but is certainly just the thing needed for this week.
MHR 2. This is a military act presented by the “Hoosier Zouaves,” but elaborated such as the introduction of a gatling gun drill and some suggestions of military routine in camp together with a pretty tableau at the finish. It is really a very clever act. 16 minutes, full stage.
20 mins. Spec. in 5. Same company as the Hoosier Zouaves, doing a similar act, with added spectacular effects: fireworks, battleship, a town burning, etc. A good act of the “thriller” class. They have a lot of stuff to handle in the way of props and scenery, and the act will go well when it works well. Good act.
The first thing that this act needs is photographs. I received from Philadelphia, four of the toughest, cheap-looking, dirtiest pictures I ever saw. Mr. Hemans, who has charge of the act, came here yesterday, and I think the other houses on the circuit will get a little benefit of the calling down I gave him. This act will improve at every performance. As yet, they are not thoroughly up in military tactics. They are being rehearsed every day, and will no doubt be in much better shape before the week is out. This act is a great attraction for vaudeville at present, and went very gib [sic] yesterday. There are 17 Japs and 4 white people in the act, making 21 in all. Time of the act, 12 minutes, full stage.