His closing series of startling
illusions were submitted upon n bare stage.
Brisco and Co
The Okito Family
Henry Clive
Jupiter Brothers
Clement de Lion
palm’s billiard balls – Considering the size and circular shape of the objects used, some of the palming is really remarkable, although the passing of the ball is often seen by the side of the house.
Horace Goldin
Mr. Goldin wastes
no time with useless talk, but gets down
to business from the opening and keeps
things going with surprising speed. It
is impossible to become uninterested for a
second, the tricks follow each other so
rapidly. Goldin is one or two tricks ahead
of his audience most of the time.
Si and Mary Stebbins
Card tricks. Rube act as well.
Du Bois and Co
Opening is a cabinet trick.