Mysterious Lora
“Mind reading”
E.J. Moore
He has framed an act that recalls a Keystone
comedy, for its mussy matter. That
is the spilling of water all over the comedian-
assistant, and that same boy after
breaking an egg In his hip pocket, delicately
draws out the remnants of it with his hand
and drops It in the footlights.
Le Roy, Talma and Bosco,
Chinese Johnny Williams
Ziska and Co.
Ziska got away with a
number of tricks to good advantage easily
putting them across successfully, through employing
a good deal of lingo.
Roland Travers
King and Brooks
Brooks is a
first-rate “straight” for King’s comedy
Adelaide Herrmann
A collection of illusions with some magic.
Mme. Herman resembles Mother Goose in costume.
Roland Travers and Co.
In fact the only
weak thing about Travers’ performance
is the tricks—or rather the execution of
them. His routine consists of the simpler
of the familiar ones in general use.
For the finish and as a feature an impersonation
of Ching Ling Foo and a
couple of cabinet tricks are shown.