Illustrated songs. Miss Taylor has a very pleasing personality and dresses in exceedingly good taste. Their songs are good and illustrations, the best we have ever had in the theatre. In houses where illustrated songs are appreciated, this act should go very well. 12 min. in 1, 2 shows.
Illus. songs. 18 min. in 1, 3 shows. On at 7:30. This act improves with each engagement, but Diamond’s voice deteriorates. The pictures are brilliantly colored and inspiring in theme. The fire picture and the war picture, both brilliantly done, and moving films, got strong hand. The finish was prolonged applause. This act represents the perfection of illustrated song-picture idea which is being a little overdone of late, but in nowise as brilliantly as these people who would make good anywhere in the early two-a-day section. Although the pictures are the thing, they should get a new soloist who has some expression to his voice and doesn’t sing through his nose.
Man and woman doing illustrated songs. The pictures are good as to coloring and the remainder of the act is of the conventional order. Not a good act for this house on account of the innumerable picture and songs here of the five cent class. Made no impression to speak of and had a tendency to make the show drag. Don’t want this act again or in fact any moving picture or illustrated song offering. 17 minutes.
Illustrated Songs with Moving Pictures. While this was a very bad act to open the show with, as it is very difficult to seat a house in darkness, it went very well. Mr Diamond sang much better this time than when last seen here. 15 minutes in one. Sheet
Illustrated Songs: 17 min. in 1. 2 shows. Three songs and an encore. Their pictures are really very beautiful and interesting, suiting the subject admirably. In fact, they have WERDEN & GLADDISH outdistanced in the illustrated song line. Each one of the songs went big, and the patriotic numbers received the strongest applause. Closed immensely.
Illustrated Songs: I can hardly see this act to any great extent, although it does no harm at the opening of the bill. The views, I think, or very lurid, and Hollis’ voice is not what I expected, from what I heard although he explained that he had just had an operation on his throat and hopes to be in better condition in a day or so. 10 minutes in one; fair act.
Illustrated songs. Man is fair singer, but the colors and pictures would give one the nightmare. Somehow another acts always goes well with the audience, so it must be classed as a good act. 15 min. in one, 3 shows.
3 shows, 12 min. in one—This is the best illustrated song act in vaudeville, especially in the matter of pictures, which are more artistic than anything of the kind we ever had here. Hollis was somewhat out in his singing today, owing to the fact that he was suffering with a sore throat, and was also nervous, as he was anxious to make good here. I think the act will be liked all over the circuit, and will stand for a fairly good place in the bill.
2 shows, 12 min. in 1. Illustrated songs the pictures being the best in that line we have ever had, and the man a fairly good vocalist. Went quite strong, every song being encored.