The Kratons

The dressing should be improved, as it is too good an act to suffer through any fault.

The Alpha Trio

The three have an excellent idea in the hanging of the stage in solid black from which their light dressing stands forth. The apparatus is brightly colored in luminous paint and this arrangement adds to the effect of the work.

The Rinaldos

Both the Rinaldos have a pleasing stage presence, particularly the woman, who appears rather tall for the short skirt of the pretty blue dress she wears.

Alpha Trio

Rolling hoops is the specialty. The tricks resemble each other too much. The loop the loop at the finish was not a novelty. A woman takes up space on the stage and serves only to pass the hoops and become nervous at a stunt which is impossible to miss. The man should stop wearing the fancy lace collar and discard the bows at his knees as it does not give him a masculine look. Juggle hoops between the two men, eight being the ,limit.