Performers dress as Japanese. The figures are rather well worked out and it is a lively bunch of well trained girls.
Miss Fields and six young women are fashionably costumed which adds to the success of the act. Misses Birch and Carson execute a catchy dance during a costume change. For a finale the chorus appears in pantalers in a song and dance. One of the young girls lifts her skirt too high.
Inadequate rehearsal and lack of study in places. Should be smoothed out by repetition. Eight girls led by Pauline Elliott are uniformly pretty and shapely as well as gorgeously dressed. Closed with a patriotic song with red white and blue trimmings, which scored strong.
Girls are dressed up to represent crickets. Florence Saunders is the leader. There is a Geisha number and drill in white uniforms. The lighting effect are poor. The names of famous Americans are spelled out during the marches and a likeness is thrown up on the screen.
Bill-board runs across a dimly lit stage. Divided into the usual division, each with a poster girl on it. There are six divisions, the last shows an advertisment for a brand of corset. A Drunk played by Seymour Brown walks by and investigates the pictures. The house lights go down and when they come back on, the posters have been rolled up to reveal a girl behind each. The dancing has been well stage managed and the costuming is commendable
Paul Klotz appears on stage while the girls change. Miss Fox is not working as hard as she has previously. She wears a new costume in each change, of which there are three but none of them go with the outfits the girls are wearing
“Miss New Orleans” danced a graceful dance in vain