I confess that I cannot see this act with the Lick telescope. It may be that I have a torpid liver, but if anybody can point out one single redeeming feature in it I will take off my hat and acknowledge I am in error. While Miss Crispi is as good as Miss O’Neil in the part neither she nor Guyer should ever be allowed in a carpeted dressing room. 23 min. FS.
These two men do a very nice act, including some exceptionally good eccentric dancing. I can not agree with some of the people who recommend it, that it is the best act, for the kind, in the business; neither do I consider they are worth the figure they were asking ‘YRR.’ They are thoroughly all right at the salary we pay them, if not placed in too hard a position, on the bill. Good act. 14 min. in 1, 2 shows.
Younger girl of pleasing personality. Opens the act with a song and then goes through a series of contortion and equilibristic work, introducing a dog, which helps her very materially. Act pleased immensely and is thoroughly alright for an early place. 10 min. Full set.
Man and woman. Man works in eccentric character while the woman makes a pleasing appearance. Act consists of eccentric dancing and contortion work, high-kicking, banjo and cornet solos. The musical part of the act does not amount to much, while the high-kicking, contortion work and eccentric dancing received a fairly good lot of applause. Act is pleasing and thoroughly alright for the three-show section. 15 min. full stage (can close in one) 3 shows.
“Who Stopped the Ferryboat?” 16 min. F. S. 2 shows. Two men working eccentric and one straight. Starts off with a lot of good nonsense, with some little comedy acrobatic work. Thereupon there is a run of fun of the more careless rough and tumble variety, but it is a good laugh throughout. The finish in 1, with musical selections with the horns, got a fair hand. This set had a very hard place to fill, but they did very well indeed.
“The Wood Dealer and the Kid”, eccentric dancers: 12 min in 1. 2 shows. Tall comedian in coon costume, and bad boy. This is an excellent act and held the attention of the audience in good shape. The eccentric dancing of Niblo is a scream. Each one of his antics brought applause. Strong finish.
With eccentric dancing and good comedy they made a distinct hit with our audience. Act always good but now better than ever. Full stage, closing.
GNH 2. A man and a woman in a comedy singing, talking, and eccentric dancing act. They did not seem to make much impression on the audience this afternoon until the finish when they do the Trio from Faust, made into a duet, and that made a tremendous hit. For a recall they did some eccentric dancing which also furnished them with an excuse for coming before the curtain four or five times. 26 minutes in one, then go to full stage, and close in one.
Man and woman, grotesque dancers and eccentric comedy, which does not amount to much. One or two good laughs in the whole act. Not bad for the three show section, for the dancing is good. 14 mins, gar in 3, Close in one.
2 shows, 9 min. Full stage. European vocalists and eccentric dancers. Billed “the original Vienna Caricature” dancers. Second time here and scored just as big a hit. Their work is exceptionally artistic.