Goldsmith & Hoppe

17 min. in one. One man works straight, the other Hebrew comedy. Play instruments very well, and intersperses their numbers with a good line of talk which kept the audience in good humor. Closed well.

Lasky’s “On The House Top.”

25 minutes full stage. Own set. A tabloid musical comedy act, fairly well dressed and using attractive setting. Erickson’s comedy work saved it from being a failure.

The Leading Lady

A tabloid musical comedy, 10 people, a first class company, staged fine, principals very clever and girls also, well put together and made a big hit. 22 min. full stage.

Vernon Castle & Irene Foote

Musical Comedy Melange. They might as well call it that as anything else. Really the weakest act on the bill but get by because it is so well covered up. The man is quite funny in his eccentric dancing and his English songs get over. The woman is the poorest apology of an amateur it has ever been my lot to witness. She is young and rather good looking by sadly lacks training. Olio in 1. Time 12 min.

Aredus Brothers

Musical clowns. Two boys in clown makeup in a fast eccentric musical comedy act with acrobatics and one the best opening acts we have this season. One of the boys is handicapped in his working through straining the ligaments in his back last week. Act was well received and got applause all through. Act will do well as an opener on any bill. Garden in 3. Can do 3 min. in 1. Time 10 min.

Tom Jack Trio

13 min. F.S. Two men work in fancy costume, one of them comedy. Play all sorts of queer instruments and do their work very well. Act is full of novelty and surprise, and the comedy is fair. Makes a good opener. Closed very well.

College Life

F.S. Special campus view. Time 25. 16 men, 2 women. An exceedingly clever musical comedy built about college boy fun. The ensemble singing is first rate and the choices of songs shows discernment. The dancing of Marie Allford is a feature that won a great hand. Several other individuals shine out with noticeable talent. Everybody in the cast is a hard worker and the result is splendid entertainment.

Charles Semon

19 min. open and close in one. Well known on the circuit. Gave his usual comedy and musical act with some variations. Received liberal applause and closed very well.

B.A. Rolfe’s “Puss in Boots”

42 minutes f.s. Four special scenes. The biggest and most beautiful spectacular production we have ever played. Has an excellent cast, a large chorus of pretty girls, several tuneful musical numbers, and an exceptionally good line of comedy. Got a lot of laughs to-night, held the audience in their seats to the very finish, and closed strong.