Stuart Barnes

Mr. Barnes is popular here and was very well received. The only criticism we have is that too much of his material is old. He should they to get away from the type he has been portraying for a number of years and do something along another line. Perfectly satisfactory in this position, however. In one.

Mullen & Coogan

Two men, 18 minutes in one. Too light for this spot as they have nothing to offer but very aged jokes, some burlesque, the “Steve” which was put on the market a year ago at least and a few moments of dancing. Their best joke “How does a goat smell?” we cut, while “What grows larger the more you take from it. Answer “A hole,” still remains in the act. The offering will go well with a burlesque show but not where women and children attend frequently as they do in this theatre. They open their act with an impersonation of drunken men and close burlesquing a Mother poem which combination is outside the boundaries of what people here believe good entertainment.

George Rolland & Co.

Two men and one woman in a comedy skit, “Fixing the Furnace.” An “Ed Hayes” sort of offering. Notwithstanding bad reports, the act entertained quite well and won a lot of laughter, going, in fact, as well as 90% of the comedy acts we play. The idea is novel and the two men manage to extract considerable fun from it. Held attention throughout, finishing fairly strong. Special in 3. 16 min. (Scranton)

Butler Haviland-Alice Thornton

Open C.D.F. Time 20. Close in 1. A clever pair who have strung together a lot of bright nonsense. Toward the end they impersonate a couple attending a theater in splendid fashion to a big hand.

Trainor & Vixon

A Couple of Friends. At last Val Trainor seems to have got something worthy of consideration. I confess I was rather in doubt about his ability to land here today after his horrible effort earlier in the season with a woman partner. He has a capable comedian now as a partner and properly placed ought to make good in an early spot on a big bill and could go down on a small bill. They went as well as anything on the bill today. Street in 1. Time 18 min.

Howard & North

This act made the biggest kind of hit. They were given a good round of applause at the rise of the curtain and the laughs were almost without number as the various comedy points were brought out. Could hardly imagine an act doing better. Special in 1 1/2, 24 minutes.

Chick Sale

Comedy protean act. He represents the different types participating in a country school entertainment. This is really where the show commences and we commend Mr. Sale. In one.

Raymond and Caverly

We have had German comedians before but nothing that can touch this pair. A positive riot from the start. 21 min. in one.

Yorke & Adams

19 min. in one. First appearance in vaudeville in this town for many years. Received a good advance hand. An amusing line of Hebrew comedy. Audience laughed heartily at the hit and gave them generous applause at the finish.

Jack Lewis & Harry Casey

A couple of nifty talk-swappers. The old Wynne & Lewis act with some new material that landed in great shape today and held this spot admirably.