This act has been materially speeded up since I saw it at the Palace. It is the most pretentious offering of the kind we have ever shown and the audience accepted it very pleasantly indeed. The comedy end apparently has been brightened up and scored many laughs. While the act is very long and runs past our usual time for letting out the matinee, it held the house and entertained them all the way through (48 min)
To say that the Mortons were a riot would be expressing it very mildly. I don’t know when an act has gone with such a furore as they did today. From their first entrance until their final exit the audience were either laughing or applauding. I think it is unquestionably the best real variety act in the business. I shall be greatly disappointed if they don’t pull a great week’s business for us. 28 Min. Open in One. Close F.S.
Four men in two special drop 15 min. Comedy offering with a lot slap stick and singing in harmony. Act went over very big stopping the show at Night.
In “The Meal Hound.” 24 minutes f.s. C.D.F. Short opening in one. Street drop. This is the story of a man-about-town picking up a girl on the street, and inviting her out to dinner, only to discover that she is the wife of his own son, disowned for marrying against father’s wishes. Some of the lines are pretty broad, and the entire story, up to the denouncement, just escapes being improper. Got a lot of laughs, and closed well.
“They Auto Know Better.” Man and woman in a very good comedy talking act. They have a good line of cross-fire comedy talk and get it over with good results. A lot of comedy is scored to a good hand. (18 min)
10 minutes f.s. Garden set. Trick cyclist and a “nut” comedian made up as a sailor, doing a good comedy opening act. Got many laughs. Some of the bicycle tricks are exceptionally clever.
If any act in the bill showed a tendency to weakness, it was this one. Here is a corking good idea gone wrong through cheap methods of presentation. The dancing of the two old men got good applause, and they got strong laughs at finish, but it dragged greatly in spots. 20 minutes. Open 15 minutes in one. Closes 5 minutes full stage.
14 min. (Ezra Mathew & Co) Three persons are concerned in this cleverly written and splendidly played little comedy. It is a moral play which takes a good hold and leaves an excellent impression. The characters are based on a sort of “Everyman” theme and it held interest from start to finish, closing to a solid hand of applause.
In “Rocking the Boat.” 20 minutes in two. Special set. This is a revised version of one of Miss Taylor’s former vehicles with a ship scene and a new twist given to the story. A good comedy act that went over very strong.
Three men two blackface the orther [sic] straight in a comedy offering with sining [sic] dancing and a good line of comedy talk special set full stage 15 min. Went very big.