Sid Lewis

In a “nut” comedy act styled “Let Him Rave” – uses a man and woman in the audience – some “Raver” – had the audience with him all the time, and, of course, went very big. 15 min. in street.

James J. Morton

I banked very hard on Mr. Morton to give us a lot of laughs, and there again was disappointed. As a matter of fact I think he had a great tendency to let our show drag. He didn’t say one thing that was funny or worthy of a laugh, consequently, he got no laughs. He may be all right in New York, but I think not in any provincial towns.

Jack Inglis and Mary Reading

14 minutes in one. Garden drop. Doing the same act that was formerly done by Inglis & Hawthorne. Miss Reading is not an improvement. Inglis is as funny as ever, and got quite a number of laughs. They both work hard every minute, and the act has “pep”, which is the saving feature.

Windsor Trio

Three men, singing, talking and dancing, comedy is good, singing very good. Open in one—C.D.F.—close in one. 15 minutes went big.

Gordon and Marx

Two Real German Comedians. This act is only fair. Most of their stuff is old. Act received less applause than any act on bill just fair. Drop in one. 14 min.

Nolan & Nolan

11 min. Man and woman is comedy juggling act. This act did better in the opening spot than any we have had in a long time. The man is not only a very clever juggler, but injects just enough comedy to lighten his work up. They finished to a big hand, being forced to take several bows.

Avon Comedy Four

25 minutes. Open in three. Special set. Close in one. Plain chamber flat and street drop. Doing their new act, “A Hungarian Rhapsodie.” Opens in the kitchen of a Hungarian café, with a Yiddisher chef, a Hungarian proprietor, and two waiters. Go to a doctor’s office in one, and close in the street with straight singing. The act was one of the hits of the show at both performances Monday. The comedy got over big, and the singing was up to their usual high standard. Better than the old act.

Charles Leonard Fletcher

20 min. He gave an almost entirely new act from the one used on his last visit. For his national characters, he introduces a comedy stunt on the picture screen that is good for many laughs and finishes with a clever bit of character acting. He was rewarded with a liberal hand applause.

Williams & Kent

Two men; comedy act entitled “On and Off.” Open in one (blackface) and close in full stage (whiteface). This act I think has about run its course; when Flanagan & Edwards dropped it it should have died. 15 min. Went only fair.

Lew Wilson

I was given to understand that Mr. Wilson was a very funny comedian and got a great many laughs in his act. For the benefit of those who will play him later, I want to say that Mr. Wilson does a very good act indeed, but it is not a laughing one, although there are some laughs in it. Neither is he quite strong enough for his position here on this bill. He belongs about two pegs higher. No one need fear to play him, the only ting to do is to play him under right conditions. 16 minutes in one.