In a comedy act styled “A Thin Romance”; man and woman; singing and talking; good line of talk; the woman being tall and thin the butt of talk was on her thinness, which went over big; special drop in one; 17 min.
In “Tom Walker in Dixie.” Splendid comedy act with Mr. Hymer shining to his very best advantage. Held the audiences intact closing the show. Plenty of laughs all through with strong applause at the finish. Full stage. Opens in 15 minutes in one and goes to full stage and closes in 5 minutes in one. Could be worked in the middle of a bill as an act in one.
19 min. A comedy act opening in one, going to Full Stage and closing in one. The principals assume straight and comedy roles and are supported by a third man and tow girls in a series of bits with some songs and an individual solo by one of the girls. The act got only a few laughs and finished very light. (This is about the most expensive luxury we have had in the house this season.)
These people get quite a few laughs, but there is awful lot of old stuff in the act and it is decidedly cheap in its whole make-up. There is very little in it that applies to vacuum cleaning. They haven’t realized the possibilities from that source at all. 16 minutes. Full stage.
Assisted by Freddie Clinton. About as good a two-man act as we have played in long time. I want to say that with the exception of one joke which was not very bad, Morrisey gave us an absolutely clean act and he made the biggest kind of a hit. 22 minutes in one.
Man given a little assistance by woman in a comedy juggling act. This is a corking good feature that could hold any spot on the bill. I consider this man in class with W.C. Fields, whom he somewhat reminds one of. His comedy is possibly not as good as Fields. His juggling is better. 15 minutes open in two. Short close in one.
22 min. This couple was a riot of laughs. As a “nut” act, they are the best we have seen in a long time and kept the house in a roar of laughter from start to finish. In addition to being funny, their material is almost all brand new and they get every bit of good out of it. They were one of the big, applause hits of the bill.
22 min. This couple was a riot of laughs. As a “nut” act, they are the best we have seen in a long time and kept the house in a roar of laughter from start to finish. In addition to being funny, their material is almost all brand new and they get every bit of good out of it. They were one of the big, applause hits of the bill.
22 minutes in one. Street drop and pictures sheet. These boys have an entirely new act, with the exception of the negro preacher impersonation, now done in whiteface. Have some material that is funny and decidedly original. Registered a solid laughing hit.
In their well known act “Travelling.” A very good idea and some good material which would go much better in the hands of more competent people. These people “got away with it” in spite of the fact that they do not do it especially well 17 minutes. Opens and closes in one. (The close in one, however, is very short.)