17 min. “His Reel Trouble.” This popular farce comedian who has had several successes in vaudeville has another big laughing hit in this new playlet. As usual, there is plenty of speed and action end the dialogue is snappy. It is well played and kept the audience in a roar, closing to a big hand.
These men gave us the first punch of the show; whether it was the contrast to all the mediocre material that preceded them or their own ability that caused them to make such a big hit, I can’t say. But, they were certainly a “knock-out.” 22 minutes in one.
Another act, which in a good show surrounded by plenty of comedy might have appeared to better advantage. The best thing about the act is its atmosphere. Mr. Romer is a violinist of ability but by no means a great performer. Miss Carlisle sings indifferently well. 13 minutes f.s.
In the rural comedy “A Friend of Father’s” – one takes the part of a spry old man while the other as a rural barber; this act went over big; 18 min. in one; special drop.
The World’s Greatest Magical Entertainers – three men and a woman; a great comedy-mystery spectacle; introducing quite a number of magical tricks, among which was “Fire and Water”; this act went over very big. 16 min.
26 min. The first showing in this house of Cressy’s new act, entitled, “A City Case,” using Miss Hodges as an assistant. It is a typical Cressy playlet, full of laughs and held the closing spot most acceptably. At the conclusion of the act Cressy stepped out of his character and made the best six-minute speech explaining the Army Girls’ Tobacco Fund movement that has been made in this house for a long while. During the war picture, which closes the show, the ushers are passing the contribution box and if the appreciation given to Mr. Cressy’s first effort is any criterion to go by, the campaign should be most successful.
Two men and two women – in a comedy farce entitled “King Full” – this farce is full of funny situations which created many laughs throughout the act; went good deal better at evening performance than at matinee. I was talking to Mr. Scofield after the first show to-night and he seemed very much pleased at the reception he received in Woonsocket. 23 min.
A little of this and a little of that – a very bright couple with original comedy methods who render their droll witticisms in such a manner that it went over very good with the entire audience; 14 min in one.
In their original comedy “Doing well, Thank You” – This act in their quaint sayings, being the last, saved the house; 14 min. in one; went big.
“That funny satire on the Auto Craze” – four men and a boy. They seem to have great trouble with their auto and in the telling and their actions created great laughter and went good; 18 min full stage.