Ethel Levy

2 shows, 12 min. in 1. First time in five year for this clever singing comedienne, who scored the hit of the bill, especially in the rendering of her husband’s famous song success, “If I Were Only MR. Morgan.”

Francelli & Lewis

GYH 2. In a supposed comedy and singing act called “The Ballyhoo”. I agree with the rest of the circuit that the comedy section of this act does not amount to much. The singing is all right, and they introduce a young boy who does some very clever dancing, but I hardly think it is an act that we shall care to play again. 18 minutes in one.

Billy Van

Minstrel. This old time comedian had a very bright line of stuff to offer, and he put it over the footlights in a manner that appeared to very agreeable to the audiences. He was one of the big hits of the bill. 18 mins. in one.

J. Aldrich Libbey and Katherine Trayer

2 shows, 18 min. open full stage, close in one—Both are very good singers, and made a fairly good impression, especially with their finish in one, in which Libbey makes up as Buffalo Bill, and they do some burlesque operatic singing. We cut one of his mussy [sic] ballads (descriptive).

Janet Melville and Evie Stetson

2 shows, 18 min. in 1. Singing and talking comediennes, with an althogether new repertoire of talk and songs. Scored a big hit, almost, as if they had never been heard here. They were stunningly gowned, as always.

Moran and Markey

3 shows, 15 min. in 1. Talking and singing comedians, made up as Irishmen. They are not particularly witty and their singing voices need lubricating. Too uncouth an act to follow the refined orchestra. Will manage to shift them the balance of the week.

Purcell & Brooks

“A Bell-boy’s Troubles”. This is a comedy and singing act, with some good material; it went quite for an opener. A very good act. Full stage, close in one. Time 16 minutes.

Jennie Yeamans

2 shows, 15 min. in 1. Monologue and singing comedienne. Presented an entirely new act from anything she has ever done heretofore in this house, and scored one of the solid hits of the bill. At the finish she was recalled several times. Any coarseness that may have been in her work in the past has been eliminated.

Phil and Nettie Peters

3 shows, 18 min, in 1. This is a clever team of talking and singing comedians, the woman straight and the man in eccentric makeup. Got lots of laughs and finished stronger than I expected.

World & Kingston

GNH 2. A man and a woman in a comedy singing, talking, and eccentric dancing act. They did not seem to make much impression on the audience this afternoon until the finish when they do the Trio from Faust, made into a duet, and that made a tremendous hit. For a recall they did some eccentric dancing which also furnished them with an excuse for coming before the curtain four or five times. 26 minutes in one, then go to full stage, and close in one.