Singing comedienne. Pleasing personality. Sang three songs, recitation and a monologue. Her voice sounds worn and she does not get the applause. Appeals mostly to the feminine class. Rather disappointed. She did not come up to expectations. 22 min. in one.
Singing Comedienne. Pleasing personality. Nicely costumed. Quite a clever little actress. Become very popular before she was half finished. The gallery boys whistled with her. The result was that she became a favorite and could hardly break away. An excellent act, but greatly overpaid. 18 min. in one.
In the toughest sort of spot this act made a big hit due entirely to Bert Fitzgibbon’s foolishness. The audience were very loathe to let them go. 15 min. in 3, doing a short close in 1, which was not very good, 2 shows.
2 shows, 17 min in 1. Monologue and singing comedian. This man had a line of material that I can’t understand how it got by in the other houses. It is practically impossible to convey a correct impression his remarks created as they were blurted out. I cut what matter I could and explained the rest to him. I think it would be a good idea for the other houses to watch him closely.
Singing comedienne. 10 min. Olio in one. Miss Falke is going fully as big with us this week as during former engagements, which was very good.
Dealers in harmony and fun. Four men in character, sailor, dude, German and American. The singing of this act went very good, but their comedy was dragged out so that it made the act lag. Nevertheless they finished very strong and had to take an encore. 25 min. Drop in one.
European musical clown. The work of this man was an absoult [sic] novelty, being away from anything our audience had yet seen. He really is an artist as a musician, and the comedy introduced seemed to appeal. Scored strongly to-day, and will undoubtedly be another act that will be talked about. 12 mins. Gar. In 3.
This man is working in white-face. Although he had a very hard place on the bill, he negotiated it with great success. His material is all new and is exceptionally bright. I think he gave us the best act we ever had. 16 min in one, 2 shows.
This well known talking team came in with all new songs, and new repartee, most of which is very bright and pleasing. The scored lots of laughs, but their song at the close did not seem to meet with popular favor, and they received a very small hand, not enough to bring them back for an encore song. They have a good act, however, and will undoubtedly rearrange their material, so as to go better to-night. 17 mins, St. in 1.
Musical clown. This man went very well with this afternoons audience but by no means made a hit. It is a novelty worth playing once although I think he is getting more money than he is entitled to. It is nothing that one would care to see a second time. 11 min, full stage, 2 shows.