Donahue & Nickols

GHR- Man and woman in an eccentric singing, dancing and comedy act, the eccentricity of the man and the vivacity of the woman makes this act go exceptionally strong. They are both good dancers and they are quite good acrobats, and they certainly reach the audience in this house every time they appear here. 14 Mins. Open full stage, close 1:

Reidy and Currier

14 min. open 3, close in 1—A very poor act. If they confined themselves to singing it would not be so bad, but they tried to introduce comedy of which neither are capable. I will bury it for the balance of the week.

Morris & Shaw

20 min, in “One.” Two men comedy singing & talking act seen here for the first time. Have good singing voices and go a lot of good laughs Closed to a big hand.

Brooks and Jeanette

Man and woman in a comedy singing, talking and dancing act. None of their stuff went very well at either the afternoon or evening performances, and they just about got by. There was no demonstration of approval at the finish, although they won some laughs during the presentation of the act. 16 minutes, street in 1.

Pringle and Whiting

These young men call their act “Breaking into Vaudeville”. Their patter, solo and duet numbers are unusually attractive, best of comedy, and made a great big hit. Good any position on any bill. In one.

Louise Dresser

Singing comedienne. Her burlesque on illustrated songs was highly amusing, and she scored very strongly. 11 minutes in one.

Klein & Clifton

Singing, dancing and comedy. This man and woman have some ability, but their methods are so coarse that they never amount to much in this house. Because they work in one and have a little ginger they are always acceptable in an early part of the bill. 12 Min. in one.

Billy Gould

16 min. in 1—Had a pretty stiff place in the bill and went nicely, although he did not fill all the time that he assured me in the morning he must have. He went good and bad in spots, just as I thought he would, but on the whole his act can be classed as a good one for this city.

Barrington & Martell

Two women in an alleged comedy and singing act. These women have a very clever idea but are adhesively unable to present it at all, and I am somewhat surprised that Boston did not close them; not that they do anything dirty or coarse, but it is simply mediocre. I did not expect a great act as they were only classed as fair, but I can’t even give them that classification. Of course, they had an awfully hard place on the bill where if was almost impossible for anyone to make good, and that will be rectified to-morrow, but I don’t think the act will ever be any good for us. 21 Mins. open full stage; close in one. KR.  

Mitchell and Love

15 min. in 1. Singing, dancing, and talking act, one man working straight and the other in Dutch character. About the average of such acts, the major portion of their patter being original. They got lots of laughter but they did not finish strong.