In a BARRAGE of Nonsense. Two men; comedy singing and talking skit. Sing several comedy songs; 12 min. in one; went good.
A good bright comedy talking & singing act, went over very good. Opened in 1 and went to 2 to a special scene that was pretty. The act is good for any 18 min.
“The Ex-Bartenders. Two men in comedy singing act; also, play piano. 15 min. in one; went good.
“Lights.” Comedy act. Man and woman; actress interrupted in her performance by stage hand. There is also some singing. Comedy throughout, went over good. 18 min.
Splendid Mechanical & Scenic Effects, plenty of good comedy and fair singing. Act got several rounds of applause during the change of the mechanical effects. 21 min in full stage. Spec scenery.
14 min. in one. Same act as presented here before, with some variations. The parodies were strongly applauded and the “Salome” finish got a very strong hand.
The Merry Minstrel Jester. 15 minutes in one. Songs and jokes. Did not take at all.
In a porpourri [sic] of mirth and melody. Was one of the biggest on the bill. 17 minutes. In one.
2 men. Time 26. In 1. The singing of one man is excellent, unique and makes a big hit. Their comedy is musty and amateurish. They have taken lines from about twenty vaudeville acts and stung them together. The act should be cut down at least 10 minutes this eliminating the boresome “junk.”