Kramer & Boyle

19 min. in one. These two boys, one working black face, have a good routine of songs and patter. Went well.

Bond Morse

The Eccentric Comedian; dressed as a tramp; tells stories,  dances and sings; 10 min. in one; went good.

Dan Thursdby

Eccentric Comedian – Singing, talking, etc.; eccentric in dress; 14 min. in one; went good.

Alice Lloyd

(23 mins.) A warm welcome was given this popular English comedienne and she registered a big hit with her character songs. Sang several new numbers and finished up with two of her popular songs used several years ago. Each number got a big share of applause and she closed strong.

Melnotte & Leedom

(19 mins.) Comedy singing turn by two girls. Good songs and snappy talk, all of which they handle very well, and got plenty of laughs. Finish with a dance and close to a big hand.

Allman & Nally

(21 mins.) They are doing about the same act that Allman and Rene Arnold did last season, except that there is not so much comedy to it, Miss Nally playing the part straight. She makes a very good appearance and puts her songs over in good shape. The act close to a good hand.

Marie Sparrow

“The Irish Song Bird.” Comedy singing and stories. Went good. 14 min. in one.

Aileen Stanley

Comedy singing. Miss Stanley has a pleasing personality and has some ability which tend to get her over in good shape, nevertheless some of her songs more than approach the age of suggestiveness, but if one started to cut them, there would not be a great deal left of the act. It is too bad for Miss Stanley has sufficient ability to get by without the assistance of vulgarity and with proper songs should be a real asset to vaudeville. 17 min. in one.