In Burlesque Melodrama, “The Mosquito’s Revenge.’ There is no doubt of the fact, that this man has a novelty and a funny one. His act went with screams almost from the start and certainly to the finish. He is entitled to great credit for getting out of the beaten path. 13 min in one, 2 shows.
Charles Ross, Mabel Fenton and Annie Turner presented a burlesque on ‘Cleopatra’ which did not come up to expectations. The old burlesque of Jules and Ella Carrison appealed more strongly to our audiences. The act is very much overpaid, and the fact that Ross and Fenton were members of the Weber & Field company did not add $5 to the box office receipts. 17 minutes, FS.
The Man with the Hats. 14 minutes. Street in one. Mr. Burch burlesque a melo-drama and the only change he makes to play the different characters is to use a different hat. The act is surely away from all others and goes very well – the idea being one of the best I have seen and in the hands of a better performer than Mr. Burch I think would be a great act.
3 shows, 12 min. full stage. Colored foot cyclists, one working straight and the other burlesque. It is a capital turn for this part of the bill, as it is impossible to have anything but a “sight” act follow the biograph, so many people leave the theatre in the afternoon. This is an act tried out here originally, and from a 3-a-day standpoint it is thoroughly all right.
2 shows, 24 min. full stage. In their burlesque absurdity, “The Doings of Johnny Jones”, the particular feature f which is Felix’ silence and fun speciality. There is something coarse about these people that grates upon the sensibilities of the refined audiences, and, while they got many laughs, they usually finish with a little applause. It is one of those turns that people enjoy momentarily, but it leaves a bad taste in their mouths. Will shift them further up the bill, and do not care much if we never get them again.
3 shows, 13 min. in 1. Rather good looking young woman of fair ability. She sang pleasingly, and did some burlesque imitations that went well. Decidedly cheap and valuable act.
New act, entitled ‘An Ancient Roman,’ for which they carry nine special drops. It is burlesque tragedy in two scenes. Four supers and materially to the comedy. The act went well to-day, the laughter being almost continuous. A very good act. Cut out about washing feet in the river Nile. 23 mins, Spec. Set.
Full stage, close in one, 18 mins. Man and woman in a burlesque travesty, entitled ’The Fall of Poor Arthur.’ They carry their own scenery which represents the deck of awar [sic] vessel. Sherman impersonates the Gunner, while his wife portrays the Captain. The act is really a rubber ball fight between Sherman, the stage crew and the orchestra, which is thoroughly enjoyed by the audience; one continual laugh. He closes with a burlesque mind reading act which is funny.
Open in one, close full stage, 2 shows, 26 M. W.H. Murphy and Blanche Nichols, assisted by a man and woman, in a comedy, entitled ‘From Zaza to Uncle Tom.’ The act is a burlesque rehearsal, a scream from start to finish, twenty-six minutes of good continuous laughter. The best comedy we have ever had.
3 shows, 20 min, full stage. Presenting their burlesque comedy sketch, which is a useful laughing act for the 3-show section. Miss Tutein is looking better than for several years, and I understand has eschewed alcoholic stimulant for almost a year. As an opener of the show, it proved a good act.