The Castanos

Whirlwind dancers. Man and woman. They open with a song which is rather bad, as neither can sing. Their dancing is very good, and aroused some applause. The woman is much too large for this sort of work, and was considered vulgar by many of the ladies in our audience. In fact the female patrons commented so much on this phase of the act, that I would not care to play it again. 12 mins. Gar in 3.

Chas. J. Ross and Mabel Penton

2 shows, 18 min. full stage—A finely staged act, and the best burlesque acting ever offered on the stage. It gives a fair line on what Weber & Fields will have to do in the way of educating the amusement seekers in the city up to their style of entertainment, for it was plainly evident that the audience this afternoon was guessing the major portion of the time what it all meant. I must confess they won more applause than I expected, the funny points being caught on to quickly, though some of the best things were not appreciated. If Weber & Fields are successful, it’s simply gives us another field to draw upon, as we can play more acts of this description.

Gallagher & Barrett

Two men in Irish talk, finishing with burlesque grand opera singing. These people have good material and deliver it well, and though it is all nonsense, it got the laughs. See no reason why this act could not be done in one just as well as in three, which would make it much more valuable. 16 mins. CDF in 3.

Sherman & Deforest

Man and woman in the non-sensical burlesque entitled ‘The Fall of Fort Arthur.’ While this act is well known over the circuit it was the first time for it this house. The act is funny all right and so impressed our audience, but it is very rough from start to finish. Cut ‘under the pillows they are creeping,’ and ‘go to h-ll.’ Don’t care to see them again for a long while. While the people laugh while it is on, it did not make a favorable impression as I know from comments made by people going out. It is not an act of the calabre [sic] our audiences are accustomed to. 13 mins. Spec in 4.

Carson and Willard

German burlesque comedians who offer the old Roger Bros. act and succeed very well in extracting laughs from the audiences. 16 in one.

Murphy & Nolen

15 mins. in one. Two men, on of the old style Irish team acts. Their first three songs went well. They have a burlesque argument on the stage that is of questionable quality. Some of the audience liked their talk, but the team should stick to singing parodies. All right for three-a-day section.

Will H. Murphy and Company

2 shows, 22 min. opens in 1, closes full stage. Presenting for the first time here his new burlesque “From ‘Zaza’ to ‘Uncle Tom’”, which is the best thing of the kind ever done in this house. It had people actually tumbling out of their seats with laughter, and the house employees fairly laughed until they cried, as many of the points in the dialogue were more appreciated by them than by the laymen in the audience. I mean to hold it next week and feature it.

Bailey & Madison

In one of those crazy knock-about, acrobatic, dancing, and talking acts in which they do a little bit of everything that is ever done on the stage. A good, lively closing act. 12 minutes, full stage.

Radford and Valentine

Man and woman assistant who does burlesque comedy juggling in a fairly acceptable manner. Full stage.

Finlay & Burke

Stageland Satire. Man and woman, in very clever burlesque work. It is full of good comedy, and went very strong. The act is worthy of a better place on the bill. Full stage, close in one. Time 17 minutes.