“Miss America” is tastefully dressed and
has for its girl lead Jean Waters, a girlish
miss with personality. Frank Ellis Is also
Burlesque, clown juggler. The juggling in Mr. Griff’s act is the least portion of it. In fact he practically does no juggling at all being almost entirely burlesque on the same. He talks all through the act and has some awfully bright stuff, considering he is an Englishman especially. In the afternoon he went very strong indeed and at night went quite well also. I consider him a valuable act to play and really believe that were he to allow a straight juggling act on the same bill that way his value would be enhanced. 15 min. opening full stage with fully 5 min. in one, 2 shows.
2 shows, 25 min. open in 1, closes full stage. Presenting their burlesque specialty, “From ‘Zaza’ to ‘Uncle Tom’”, which was originally done in this house for two weeks last summer. Scored the laughing hit of the show.
Burlesque ballads and dancing. He was received quite well, but whether it was for the reason that he is a Detroit man, or for the reason that his material pleased I am unable to judge. 16 min. in one.
Mr. Reno opened here Monday with his old acrobatic act and burlesque baseball finish, the company consisting of a boy and a girl, who are very good tumblers, a dwarf and a very thin giant. The act was good and well received but we were very much disappointed as we expected the burlesque drill and wall scaling act. We sent for Mr. Reno to come to the office and told him we were disappointed. He said he was not doing the new act this season but if we wanted it would send to N.Y. for his extra people and put it on commencing today (Tuesday) which he did. The act opens with a young woman who sings Vesta Tilley’s Algy song and she is assisted by Reno, a dwarf, the thin giant and the red haired fat man dressed in evening dress who burlesque the song while she sings. This is followed by a march song and the quartette of men dressed as Zouaves appear in a burlesque drill and wall scaling finish that is very, very clever. The act is twice as good as one as the old act and kept the audience laughing continually. We are paying Mr. Reno a little more money for the new act and it is well worth it.
Burlesque strong men. Received some little advance applause. All of their various burlesque feats of strength was laughed at and applauded. Finished to big applause. 13 min.- open in one about 1 min.- closed full stage
2 shows, 28 min, full stage. Assisted by a company of five, in the one-act dramatic version of ‘Carmen.’ When the curtain rose today the stage setting was given quite a hand and it was followed with interest and closed strong. We made special efforts to keep it away from the children and as a consequence it did not appear when the biggest audiences were in the house.