Darrell and Conway

“Behind the Scenes.” They open in bare stage where they do some talking and make-up, both blackface. Then they come down in one with a plush drop and sing a couple of coon songs, both of which are good. We are well satisfied with this act and it is making good in this position.

Sharf & Threk

Man and woman – singing and dancing; both black face. 11 min in one, won drop. This team was substituted for Kene & Green. The man does some good dancing. Nothing especially noteworthy, but went good.  Open to Jan. 6th – then New York .

Clinton & Nolan

“The African Dodger.” One man working straight, the other blackface. Opening talk is a trifle old and should be brightened up with new material. The bulk of the comedy is to be had when the audience start throwing baseballs at the “dodger.” Went well with today’s audience. Own drop in 1. Time 15 min.

Quinlan & Richards

24 min. in one. This is absolutely the best blackface work we have had in this house. Vic Richards is very well known here and received a very strong advance hand. He has introduced a lot of his original humor, including parodies. The act was certainly a scream up to a ripping finish.

Conroy & Le Maire

Black Face Comedians with a new line of comedy conversation which seemed to catch on in good shape. Won a lot of laughs, but at times seemed to be too long drawn out. They work up a nice finish through starting an argument on pinochle by a couple of “plants” in one of the boxes. Makes a sort of unusual finish, rounding the act out in nice shape. 21 minutes, street in 1.

Emerson and Baldwin

Two men, one is blackface, who do a lot of comedy juggling etc. pleasing very much. F.S.

Lydell and Butterfield

11 minutes in one. Garden. Man and woman, working blackface. Open with some talk, introducing some good eccentric dancing. A neat little act that filled this spot most acceptably.

Miss Ray Dooley and her Metropolitan Minstrels

5 young ladies and 2 young men, men black face, women white dresses, singing and dancing, open with minstrel first part, some good lively songs, go in to one for a couple of songs and then to full stage for a finish, the finishing song I’m Afraid of the Big Moon, with a lot of knockabout comedy went big. Don’t like the act myself but went big at finish. 20 min.

Lewis, Harr & Co.

3 men and a woman, all black face, comedy sketch “The Suanawee River” special set scenery and electrical effects, singing dancing and talking, music, good comedy. 20 minutes full stage, went very well.

Frank Conroy

(18 mins.)  blackface comedy sketch that made a very light impression, getting few laughs and closing to a very light hand. Does not compare with any of the former Conroy & Lamaire acts and is really a disappointment as a comedy act.