Bogert and Nelson

The act entitled “A Day With a Minstrel Show” was eighteen minutes long. There are two special drops and one original joke.

Hufford and Chain

This act entitled “The Culled Parson and the Minstrel Man” was fourteen minutes long. Nick Hufford and J. Dell Chain sing solos and duets. The blackface comedian plays a “colored minister” and the other man is the straight. The comedian does a sermon bit as the minister with some expectoration. The straight changes his coat, but not his collar or tie.

Hortense Wayne

The act was sixteen minutes long. Hortense Wayne sings “coon” songs and rags and plays the piano. For her first number, she wears a street costume with a white coat and furs. She then removes the coat and furs for a rag number in which she does some stepping. She sings and plays the piano for the finish.

Kramer and Morton

The act was fifteen minutes long. Kramer and Morton sing, dance, and talk in blackface. They do a Salvation Army encore.

Marie Russell

Marie Russell sings coon songs in blackface. She wear “happy looking costumes and a dandy makeup.”