Miss Whittaker
The Phiend-Minstrels
The act is a rehab of Lasky’s Pianophiends.
Four men and four girls perform.
The girls wear only one costume, neither pretty or becoming. The men wear evening dress with black and white black and white facing on the coats.
Frank Tinney
Will Philbrick and Co.
Dancing and physical comedy. The company is composed of Philbrick and two women.
“Happy Jack” Gardner
Lasky’s Phiend Minstrels
Composed of four young women and five men, clever hard workers all, this act as a headliner was excellent.
The Three Lyres
Blackface makeup on the performers.
Connolly and Naulty
Blackface makeup on the duo. Evening clothes and floppy shoes make up the costume. Women’s clothing worn by the comedian.
Edward Morton
“Morton dresses in a neat sack suit of stylish cut.”