YHR 2. In their old negro act “Hawkshaw [?] the Detective.” These people are always strong here and Tom Lewis had them laughing constantly all the afternoon. 15 minutes, open full stage and close in one.
YRR 2. Four men made up as “coons” doing a character singing specialty of “coon” songs. While not remarkably strong, it is still a good one, some of their selections being very heavily applauded. 19 minutes, open full stage and close in one.
HR 3. Blackface monologue comedian. This young fellow has a line of talk that is built on the general style of Ezra Kendall’s material. About everything he says is entirely new and he sang this afternoon three brand new songs. I think that under normal conditions he will be a very acceptable act in a not too important place in the bill. 14 minutes in one.
3 shows, 11 min. in 1. Blackface vocal and monologue entertainer. Did quite well with his songs, also with portions of his monologue, and promises to develop into a comedian of the George Evans type. Is now thoroughly all right in the 3-show section of any bill.
GRR 3. Blackface singing and dancing act on the old fashioned ordered, one of the men making up as a wench. It is not an especially strong act, but it is thoroughly all right in an early part of the bill, their dancing being very clever. 15 minutes in one.
3 shows, 12 min. in 1. Blackface comedy, singing and dancing entertainers. Not strong enough for this place in the bill but shall be obliged to keep them there. They would get by in the ordinary 3-show place.
She appeared in blackface and her songs went quite well with our audiences. 18 mins. in one.
Two men made up as mulattos, neatly dresses and do a singing, dancing and talking act. Their singing and dancing are both all right but their talking is weak. They are all right in their place on the bill. 13 minutes in two.
…a white man who sings coon songs nearer like a negro than any one we have had.
NH 3. Black face comedian. Always excellent in this house and good whether there are two people or a thousand in. 18 minutes in one.