George and Paul Hickman
Nible and Riley
2 shows, 12 min. in 1. Two men, in blackface in vocal and dancing specialties. The chap who works in blackface is a capital eccentric dancers, which helps to hold the act in this spot considerably. Excellent act from the 3-a-day standpoint.
Green & Warner
GNH 2, M&W. Open in one, close full stage. 15 minutes. In one with two songs, then change to full stage, with them made up as “Zulus”, using their own scenery. The act is an extreme novelty, and it was a pity to bury it so early on the bill. Will give them a better place tonight.
Coakley & McBride
Blackface dancers and comedians. Coakley is to my mind as good a step dancer as there is in the business and McBride almost as bad as Coakley is good. Their comedy is rather weak. The act may be rated as good for the salary it gets but should not hold down the place I am obliged to give them in this show. 20 min. in one, 2 shows.
Chas. M. Ernest
GHR 2. Blackface comedian. He opened with a lot of political material, favoring the democratic party that fell flat; he will change this tonight. His parodies went very good. 22 mins. Dr. 1.
Coakley & McBride
GYH 2, 19 mins. Two men, drop in one. Blackaface talking, singing and dancing. Coakley impersonates the woman. The act is greatly improved since last here; they have a lot of new material. Coakley’s dancing being the feature. Act went very strong.
Green and Werner
3 shows, 14 min. open in 1, close full stage. Man and woman singing coon songs, opening in “swell duds”, and then going to a special set, representing a jungle and making up to correspond. Despite the bad spot they had in the bill, they distinctly made good, and if there was a place for it I should not hesitate playing them at 2:30 or 8:30 P.M., instead of practically burying the act, as I am obliged to do with this show.
Green & Werner
Novelty singing and dancing act. This act was something of a disappointment. The people have very little ability either in singing or dancing and the only commendable feature of the act is the novel manner in which one of their songs is presented. They open in rather swell evening dress and do a song and dance specialty of the common order. They got to full stage using their own set a rather pretty one representing a song in the jungle. They appear as the Zulus in blackface make-up and costumes to match. 15 min. about one-half in one, 2 shows.
George Evans
SRR 2. There is no use in talking, this fellow simply got them better this afternoon than any other black face we have had on our stage as long as I can remember. He has lots of new material sandwiched in with some of the best of his old stuff, and his fine singing voice was used to best possible advantage. He made a pronounced and distinct hit. The salary, of course, is very high, but in these perilous times we can overlook that if the act makes good. 22 minutes in one.