Coakley & McBride

Blackface comedians, one of them dressed as a woman. This act went very well. The dancing being especially strong. Some of the talking is not so good as it might be, yet the act was well liked. 20 minutes in one.

Press Eldredge

2 shows, 20 min. in 1. Blackface comedians, too well-known to managers to need lengthy comment from me, beyond the fact that he fell down horribly. The audiences neither appreciated his songs nor his stories.

Lewis & Harr

Man and woman in black face act presenting old Southern Songs.  Sort of a negro “Darby and Joan” act.  Nothing new in the act, but it went as well as the rest of the three show section.  Makeups are good, and the audience always are fond of the old Melodies.  However the act is not worth $100.00 even for three shows.

Lambert & Pierce

Blackface singing, dancing and talking act in one. 15 minutes. The talking in this act is very bad. Singing and dancing fair.

VanFossen and McAuley

3 shows, 16 min. in 1. Blackface comedy talking, singing and dancing act. The first thing to wake them up, getting quite a number of laughs.

Charles Ernest

2 shows, 16 min. in 1. Blackface comedian and singer. Never goes strong in this house, and would not care if we never had him. Cut out one or two objectionable things in his monologue, and also curtailed his act five minutes. He went bad the last time he was here and there was no improvement this trip.

Ford & Wilson

Two fairly good black face comedians who introduce some eccentric dancing and with several changes of costume seem to god quite well with the audience. This act could work entirely in one but am using them to open the show this week giving them full stage and close in one, time of act 16 minutes.

Charles M. Ernest

Blackface comedian. Although he didn’t go very strong with this afternoon’s audience he has a lot of mighty bright stuff and I rather I rather look for him to make a hit tonight. It seemed that his material was rather subtle for our matinee crowd of today. 20 min. in one, 2 shows.

Lambert & Pierce

Blackface comedians. These fellows don’t amount to much until the very finish when they give about three minutes of pretty good eccentric dancing. The jokes that they told I heard fully thirty years ago. 15 min. in 1, 3 shows.

McIntyre & Bennett

Two men, black-face.  McIntyre is a son of McIntyre (& Health), and is using a lot of the old stuff without the personality, and the act just gets by and that is all.  15 minutes in one, two shows.