“Hotel St. Reckless.” A black-face comedy act which went big. 15 minutes.
2 shows, 19 min. in 1. First time here of this blackface comedian and parody singer, who started off rather slowly but got the audience in fine style before he closed. I have advised his dropping his opening song and go into his talk, which he agrees will be for the betterment of his act.
GHR. Black faced comedian and vocalist. Earnest is now, as he always was, a very good singer. He introduced three new songs this afternoon, closing with a parody on “Hiawatha,” in which he was assisted verbally by the orchestra. He also did a lot of comedy talking which was good and it can be set down as a good act throughout. 15 minutes in one.
Blackface singing comedians who held this place all right. In one.
Two men, blackface comedians, in a talking and dancing act. They introduce some work on the trapeze, and close in one with a burlesque on base ball. Pretty good act of its kind, some parts of it being very good, especially the close.
A couple of young fellows in a black face singing and dancing act. They are very neat in their make-up and pretty good dancers. They attempted a little talking this afternoon which was not exceptionally brilliant, and which I will cut out. As an early singing and dancing act they are all right. 17 minutes in one.
Black faced comedians in a new act which they call “Dr. Lorenzobreakabones.” It is a conglomeration of two or three old negro acts, but put together in the inimitable style in which these two artists always present everything. I think it is about the strongest act they have ever given us. At any rate, I have been watching these people for the last fifteen years, and I never heard an audience laugh heartier than they did this afternoon. 32 minutes, full stage.
[They] give their old act, “The Georgia Minstrels.” It is almost superfluous to make any comment on this team, but, if possible, they went stronger this afternoon than they ever did in this house before. They have a lot of new hits to the act and it is unquestionably the funniest black faced specialty before the public. 34 minutes, open full stage and close in one.
15 min. open in 1 go to full stage and close in 1 – This team of blackface comedians does a little singing, some talking and dancing, and a trifle of work on a swinging trapeze, and at the same time strive to be funny. They have a fair act judged from the old 3-per-day standard.
20 min. full stage – in a black and white face specialty, called Wireless Telephone”, which scored a laughing hit, notwithstanding the material was practically the same as that used by Simmons and White on many previous occasions. I think Lewis one of the funniest blackface men in the business, and he carries the act.