Mr. Rolley is a clever black face comedian, a good harmonica player and an expert dancer. He succeeded in getting considerable laughter and applause. 12 minutes in one.
(12 mins.) Two boys, working in black-face, with straight songs and imitations. Both have good voices, and their songs scored. Finished strong with some fast stepping.
14 min in 1
Blackface comedian and clever eccentric dancer. Went over very good indeed.
Blachface Comedian. A good small time act, went very good. 15 min in 1.
23 min in 1
A big hit as usual.
(21 mins.) Moved up at the first show owing to the failure of Coogan & Casey to get in on time for the matinee. This act put over a good laughing hit. They work in blackface, one in comedy make-up, and have a good lot of material. Closed to a good hand.
They appeared at the night show. Black face comedian who did fairly well, but were no doubt handicapped by having no musical rehearsal, etd., 14 min. in one.
Rather an old fashioned act, but somehow or other seemed to please fairly well. It certainly did no harm in this spot. Two men in black face and two women, one playing the harp and the other the trombone. Open 3 min. in one, then to full stage and fairly long finish in one. 24. Min. all told.